Friday, October 09, 2009


All this free time as a stay-at-home mom has allowed me to blog more frequently (for me any way)! Well, actually, it isn't free time, it's not wanting to actually do the work I should do (like dust, laundry, clean the bathroom...) so I'm blogging instead... To be fair to me, I did do my actual work (grading papers and answering questions in my class) earlier this morning. So I could call blogging a break in between work...

Why is it that house work is so unappealing? I'd rather fiddle with my printer and get raving mad at technology that could work if it wanted to but is being pugnacious, just for me (how lovely of it). Take the printer this morning...We decided to do an entirely wireless home since we now have a baby... it seemed like a good idea: laptops, a wireless printer, wireless XBox Live (yes, we have an XBox, a PS2, a Wii, and two DSes... and yes, sadly, we do use them all) no wires for little baby to chew on, trip over, etc. But now the wireless printer has decided not to connect to either computer. I eventually got it working the old fashioned way (using the cable) to one laptop, but the other one won't install the software... which I thought was already installed but apparently not. I printed out stuff, but wasn't able to scan information in as it all decided it wasn't going to work any more. Why? Well, my professional opinion is that the printer is possessed and am considering an exorcism. I'm not sure that holy water would be a good idea though... water and electronics rarely mix well...

Any way, I should go dust, clean the bathroom (yuck!) and do the laundry, especially since Robyn decided to pee while being changed not once, but twice and so I have lots of pee covered clothing/diaper changing table stuff to wash...

In other Robyn news, she rolled over twice yesterday (from her stomach to her back)! I'm so proud of her! I tried videotaping it, but she decided she didn't want to perform for the camera so you just have to take my word for it.

Gweli i chi!


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