Monday, October 01, 2007

So... It's been a while...

Sorry about that to my one reader (thanks mom!) or maybe I had three.... (mom-in-law, and 2 very cool sisters-in-law) I'm not really sure...
Anyway, for anyone who still reads this, thanks.

Well, lots of fun things have happened in the last year since I posted...
Mark, my wonderful husband, got a job in Davenport, Iowa. So in less than one week, we packed everything, quit our jobs (I'd wipe a tear, but I wasn't fond of that job anyway...) and moved from Fort Myers Florida to Iowa. And I'm COLD!!!!!
We've been in Iowa about 5 weeks now, and I'm freezing my little buns off. We've had the electric blanket on every night and we usually have a space heater running during the day. The sad thing is, it's only JUST October. I have no idea what we're going to do in the winter when the real cold hits.
Oh, here's the other fun tidbit of information. We currently are living in my parents' basement. While things are going well, and probably will stay that way, I can imagine all sorts of humorous possibilities waiting to happen...

It has been quite a change, but I know this will work out well for both Mark and I. He is in a fairly good school district. It's amazing that there are administrators and districts out there that care about the TEACHERS. I'm blown away. We're so used to hearing "deal with it yourself" that having a support group behind Mark is a bit strange. It's like they want him to succeed as a teacher! What a concept!

For those of you wondering what I'm doing while Mark is playing at school... no, I'm not sleeping in and laying on the couch every day (just 2 or 3 out of the week...) I'm actually enrolled in graduate school at the University of Nottingham (yes, as in the Sheriff of, and England. No, I'm not moving there, it's all on line). And as a side note, Nottingham was ranked number 74 out of the top 100 universities in the world by Newsweek this past summer. Yeah! I'm going to a smart school! I'm learning lots of new stuff and maybe, just maybe, my grammar will improve!

Well, speaking of school, I'd better go learn, and stuff. To all my Florida friends, I miss you. Come visit. Davenport is pretty cool (pun not intended). To the three or four people who may or may not read this thing, hey!
love you all!


anne said...

Who is this strange blogger popping up in my rss reader? I don't understand. The words just seem to blur together...through the tears...


Can't wait to see you next weekend!!! WOOO!!!

Oh, and Shelly wants to know if you & mom want to be invited to her NY shower. It's quite a trek, so don't feel you have to, but she asked. It's Nov 17th.

amy said...

I know. I'm excited about girls weekend. am calling tonight to ask about what seminars you are taking. is fun to write incomplete sentances. suggest you try it.

Unknown said... sorry that I missed both of your calls!! I tried to call you back when we got home but it went to voicemail and it didn't have your voice on it so I didn't leave a message...sometime tomorrow? I have DVFX until around 9 so either noon or after 9... :) Turns out I have a full-time job now. No benefits, just hours. Ah well.