Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Belated Thanksgiving

I apologize for my negligence in not posting a Thanksgiving blog. To the two of you who read this, I am deeply sorry. I know how much it must have pained you.

Mark and I went to spend Thanksgiving with Grandma in Bradenton, FL. Her condo association was hosting a Thanksgiving feast, which was fun, considering that Mark and I were the only people under the age of 70. Grandma signed up to make the mashed potatoes. If I have to peel one more potato, I will scream. I'm sure Grandma feels the same way. But really, in all seriousness, it was a good time. Except for the one older gentleman who didn't sign up and was turned away by the lady in charge. After he left, and Mark and I realized that the lady in charge had turned him away on Thanksgiving, Mark went to go find him and bring him back as our guest, but we never saw him again. I hope, despite her rudeness, that he was able to enjoy the holiday...

Now, I know that most people went shopping on black Friday, but my Grandma likes to defy convention. So she took us parasailing. Did I mention that I'm scared of heights? It was fun though. I'll never do it again, but it was definitely worth the one time. Needless to say that we had a fun, enjoyable time with Grandma. And we got to drive in the new car. Yeah. It was good.

That's right. This is me. Hanging from a parachute. Above the Gulf of Mexico. It was very, very high. One might even say Exceedingly high. Yeah. I was very, very scared. One might even say exceedingly scared. Note the hesitant smile and the inability to let go of the straps.

And this is Mark. Hanging from the same parachute. Note the complete lack of fear.

And that is what we did over our long weekend.

It's a little late to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving, so happy Christmas season everyone! THREE MORE WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!! YIPEE!!!!!!! (for those of us who work in schools....)


anne said...

Oh I could totally go for a Christmas break. Well, I sort of get a break. But it includes driving a lot and visiting family I may or may not be very inclined to visit.

But I am totally jealous of your ride! That would have been so fun!! :)

Cheeky said...

I'm with you Amy, I get all jiggly and quakey just thinking about being that high up.

OH, my heart just aches for the poor little old man who didn't want to be alone on Thanksgiving and missed out on real mashed potatoes. I was with in-lawed family that is really starting to grow on me despite eating Country Crock boughten and possibly microwaved mashed potatoes.