Wednesday, October 10, 2007


HELP! I'm slowly drowing in a sea of homework. I'm so confused! I'm overanalyzing EVERYTHING. Do you know, I spent almost 3 hours debating if "up" was a verb, adverb or adjective in the sentance "You're pushing it up."? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm still not quite sure. I'm thinking adverb as it describes more of the action (pushing), but then my husband said, "no, it's a verb" which if it is, it's not the main verb and is either auxilary or modal. I think it's modal. Maybe that's it. Maybe it's a modal verb...

I do, however, know that the semantic role of "up" in the afore mentioned sentence would be the goal (intended destination)... or location (place of action)? No. It's definately the goal.

HELP. I have lexicology on the brain AND IT WON'T STOP!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. Yuck to all of that.